Not Today Cancer -ย The Blog

A weekly dose of joy, inspiration & information to help you restore your wellbeing throughout your cancer journey in 5 minutes a week.

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Stories of Survival: From Diagnosis to Remission breast cancer cancer stories cancer survivor survivor testimonies

Focusing on positive outcomes instead of potential what-ifs is crucial for your mindset. It's essential to highlight stories of survival and remission, showcasing the strength and resilience that individuals display in the face of cancer. To further delve into this topic, I highly recommend the...

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Navigating a Cancer Diagnosis: First Steps and Emotional Support breast cancer cancer diagnosis emotional support life after cancer non-toxic

Today, I want to talk about the first steps in navigating a cancer diagnosis and some things I wish I knew when I first started this journey. Whether you’re a patient, a caregiver, or someone supporting a loved one, I hope these insights offer you valuable guidance and comfort.

Go Slow


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You are meant to thrive through cancer, not just survive.

Are you a woman living through a breast cancer diagnosis? Do you feel overwhelmed, scared, and unsure about the future? 

It's time to regain control of your personal wellbeing and embrace the new you. Reset & Rise is a transformative community designed specifically for women like you, providing guidance, support, and empowerment to help you navigate the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis.)

Learn more about this intimate community here

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