Stories of Survival: From Diagnosis to Remission

breast cancer cancer stories cancer survivor survivor testimonies Aug 08, 2024

Focusing on positive outcomes instead of potential what-ifs is crucial for your mindset. It's essential to highlight stories of survival and remission, showcasing the strength and resilience that individuals display in the face of cancer. To further delve into this topic, I highly recommend the book Radical Remission by Dr. Kelly A. Turner. Here are some inspiring stories that emphasize the importance of positivity, early detection, and the support of loved ones.

Adriana's Journey

In January, during a routine mammogram, a mass was detected—early stage, about 1.5 cm. By February, an ultrasound and biopsy confirmed Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. The Radiology/Imaging group was amazing. The Radiology doctor, though concerned, was compassionate and kind. He informed me of the results on my husband's birthday. We cried, but it was a wake-up call to care for our health.

Later appointments with Oncology and Surgical teams revealed ER+/HER+ status. The amount of information available can be overwhelming. I learned to stop diving down rabbit holes of data and focus on trusted sources. This approach is crucial for anyone newly diagnosed, as over-researching can be consuming and not always helpful.

March marked my 50th birthday, a milestone overshadowed by my health scare. I shared my diagnosis with my two oldest children but struggled to tell my youngest. My oncologist recommended the book Cancer Party, which helped us have a family meeting and read together, fostering understanding and positivity. His reassuring words, "you are going to be alright," became my mantra, and Kenny Loggins' song became my anthem.

Twelve weeks of appointments felt endless. Patience was key, and faith helped me through. In May, I underwent a lumpectomy, three months after my biopsy results. Now, two months post-op, I feel really good. I've given myself grace to heal, process, and continue treatment with chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, and hormone-blocking pills. The support and kindness of my medical teams reaffirm my belief in the goodness of people.

Starting a new job two months after surgery brought a fresh perspective on life, prayer, and health. Having something else to focus on has been a blessing.

Kate DiPola's Journey

On December 21st, 2023, I found a lump in my left breast. A week later, I received the dreaded call—breast cancer at 35, with two young children. Just nine days prior, a yearly gynecological exam didn't detect the lump, underscoring the importance of self-examinations. I was diagnosed with IDC, ER and PR positive, and HR negative.

A month after diagnosis, I had a bilateral mastectomy. The pathology report revealed a grade 3 tumor with positive lymph nodes, meaning more treatment than expected. I learned to focus on what I could control: diet, exercise, and mental health. Chemo followed, and I responded well, losing little hair thanks to cold capping. My positive attitude helped me thrive.

Surgery for reconstruction came next, with radiation scheduled soon. Sharing my story spreads awareness. Despite my shock at the diagnosis, my active and healthy lifestyle, and negative genetic tests, I remain positive. Challenging days exist, but the good days outnumber them. My perspective on life has changed profoundly, making me a better mom, sister, daughter, and friend.

Connecting with other women facing breast cancer has been invaluable. The support from family, friends, and strangers has been profound, highlighting the importance of community.

Heidi's Journey

I’m Heidi from Southern California, living with my husband and three children. In October 2022, I was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer, reported by only about 20 women ever—Stage 3C endometrial stromal sarcoma of the ovary, unresponsive to chemotherapy. Eighteen top oncologists agreed on hormone therapy with Letrozole for the next five years.

Major surgery in November 2022 included a complete hysterectomy, bowel resection, and removal of most of my omentum. My brilliant and compassionate doctor has been a pillar of support. I've embraced holistic and natural healing methods, learning something new every day. Advocacy and self-care are vital. My intuition, combined with a nurse practitioner’s push for an elective hysterectomy, led to the discovery of my cancer.

Despite no classic symptoms, endometriosis and fertility problems in my 20s might have contributed. I believe in the power of optimism and helping others when feeling helpless. Sharing my journey openly aims to inspire and bring light in dark times. Don't compare journeys, advocate for your health, have gratitude, and find compassionate medical teams.

Create a healing space in your home, make a joy list, and do things that bring happiness. Set boundaries and let in only those who are good for your soul. Control what you can, like diet and exercise, and join supportive communities like The Reset and Rise community.

Kristen's Journey

In April 2023, right before my 38th birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although I felt no lump, I experienced unusual pain and requested a mammogram. Despite dense breasts and an initial lack of detection, the mammogram revealed stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma—ER+ Her2 negative.

Working in fundraising for a biomedical research institute focusing on cancer, I understood the importance of early detection. Early diagnosis led to a lumpectomy, four weeks of radiation, and now monthly Lupron injections and Tamoxifen, eventually switching to an aromatase inhibitor.

What got me through it was the support of family, especially my young daughters. Surrounding myself with friends and making plans gave me something to look forward to. Therapy, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and self-care became essential. A therapist’s analogy of pouring water into a cup of dirt symbolized focusing on positivity and healing.

Prioritizing my health, spending time with loved ones, and living in the moment have made me grateful for life’s experiences. Catching cancer early has made me appreciate every new memory and phase of life.

These stories of survival showcase the strength, resilience, and hope of those facing cancer. They highlight the importance of early detection, self-care, support, and maintaining a positive mindset. Sharing these experiences aims to inspire and encourage others on their journey from diagnosis to remission.

Navigating a cancer diagnosis is a complex and personal journey, but you don’t have to do it alone. Join me and dozens of women who are choosing to Reset & Rise through and after their cancer diagnosis!


Are you a woman living through a breast cancer diagnosis? Do you feel overwhelmed, scared, and unsure about the future? 

It's time to regain control of your personal wellbeing and embrace the new you. Reset & Rise is a transformative community designed specifically for women like you, providing guidance, support, and empowerment to help you navigate the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis.)

Learn more about this intimate community here

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